Nursery Ninjas is a revolutionary program created by Sensei Bill Viola Jr. as part of his award-winning “Sensei Says” curriculum. The course engages, empowers and inspires our youngest of ninjas (2-3 year olds). Our pre-school classes focus on boasting self-confidence, discipline and focus (cutting edge “brain training” memory drills coordinated with music and movement).
Accepting new students, but space is limited. Let us help enhance your child’s cognitive development, improve their social skills, and have tons of fun along the way! New Nursery Ninjas class for pre-school age (toddlers) ages 2-3 years old. Call or Text Sensei Bill @ 1-724-640-2111 to schedule.
Nursery Ninajs ®
Karate class for kids, specifically toddlers!
Finally, a course dedicated for 2-3 year olds!! Martial arts schools have often lumped all children 7 years old or younger into one group setting (tiny tigers, little dragons etc). Some karate schools won’t even work with kids 3 or 4 years old due the challenge. The truth is, these young ninjas require very specialized training, many times with the assistance of their parents: Mommy and Me and Daddy and Me karate! Nursery Ninjas is the first and only course in the Pittsburgh region created by certified teachers, educators and industry professionals from the ground up to cater to children 2-3 years old.