We are excited to turn “Self-Quarantine” into “Self-Discipline” It’s simple. Goals can’t stop! Continue to post quick videos or pic of your kids putting in the effort!
Kick Corona #10 (5/18/20) 😷
This week we continue live Zoom classes to get you back on a regular schedule as we inch closer to the dojo hopefully in June when the state passes GREEN 🚦. The classes are reoccurring and share the same password every time “toranome” so if you miss a zoom class, they will be available in our video archives to do anytime just like the YouTube classes were. Join any class anytime.
- (5/18/20) Basics with Sensei Cameron 6:00PM
- (5/18/20) Test for White-Blue Belts 6:00PM
- (5/18/20) Test for Green-Brown Belts 7:00PM
- (5/19/20) Ninja class with Sensei Luke 6:00PM
- (5/19/20) Ninja test with Sensei Bill 6:00PM
(5/20/20) Sparring/Conditioning
- (5/21/20) Pre-black belt test 1-2PM
- (5/21/20) Adult Testing with Sensei Ray 7:00PM
Kick Corona #9 (5/11/20) 😷
We have shifted to live “Zoom” classes to ease back into a regular schedule. These are the reoccurring classes until we can open up next month: The classes are open to any and all students. The password to enter is “Toranome”
Monday (Kihon/Basics): Meeting ID: 607 536 2124
Wednesday: (Sparring/Conditioning) Meeting ID: 607 536 2124
Kick Corona #8 (5/04/20) 😷
This week props are easy… you just need a bunch of pillows which are called “Makura” 🛏️ in Japanese. Couch pillows, bed pillows, you name it.
PS: I will be posting the MAY TEST list to our facebook page later this week.
I will be live tomorrow with a ZOOM class for all sparring students. Look for an email in the AM to join us.
*As PA businesses are slowly allowed to reopen, we want to transition with extra ZOOM classes to help get back on a regular schedule. Starting next week, I will be teaching a live interactive Ninja class and Regular (int/adv) class for any students join.
Thanks for hanging tough. I’m proud of you all!!
Kick Corona Week #7 (4/27/20) 😷
Items needed: Dig into your garage and bring up a bin of all the random balls your have: 🎾⚽⛹️🏀🏸. *advanced need a tennis ball size
Kick Corona Week #6 (4/20/20) 😷
Props needed: Cup of 🥤of mizu (h20), a chair 💺, and a Nuno (towel).
Proud of everyone and especially moms/dads who have keep the students on point. They might not appreciate it now, but you are teaching them self-discipline, focus, and most importantly the value of never giving up (no quitting!)
Advanced tik tok challenge (older kids) 🎼🎵. can you #HitEveryBeat of this song (can’t touch this remix) with karate techniques?????? If you so post it for a challenge. Prize for the best effort. Here is the clip and some dance examples… yours must be martial arts.
Kick Corona Week #5 (4/15/20) 😷
You need to get some props: You need one bath towel and a couple of hand towels or wash clothes. In Japanese these are called Nuno (new no) 布. You also need a small bucket of water or mizu (me zoo) 水.
So very proud of everyone’s effort in the “Kick Cornoa” Challenge🏆. As I said, everyone who participated is a WINNER. You showed determination and perseverance and that is what it’s all about! In all, almost 8000 points were earned. Here are the kids who hit the 100+ club. Congrats to Dryce Davis who won the grand prize (split machine)
Kick Corona Results (4/13/20)
Today is the big day… we get to add up all the points from your hard work the past month and give-a-way prizes 🏆 🏆 🏆. LIVE FACEBOOK AWARDS CEREMONY tonight @ 5PM 👏 👏 👏.
You must tune in to win… if not, we draw again 🎰. Every point earned is entered into an APP that will randomly spin and select a winner: The more points, the better the odds. But even if you did 1 class, you are in the lottery so submit!! As always, log into www.norwinninjas.com/corona for all videos. Kick Corona #5 will be posted there later today.
Moms and Dads here’s what we need from you. Please total up each students points and text directly to Sensei Bill Cell Phone 724-640-2111. Points that was available:
KICK CORONA #4 (April 6th) 😷.
For today’s class you will need a “shoe” 👟 any old shoe will do as a prop.
In the lesson you are learning something I call “Go Kata” that simply means “5-Kata.” You will be doing your kata 5 different ways. For ninjas this will be Heian Shodan. For more advanced students this will be EVERY kata you know 5 different ways throughout the week as the challenge.
- ✔️ Slow Motion (analyze every move)
- ✔️ Stances only (calling out the Japanese name of each stance. Example: Front Zenkutsu-dachi (front stance) Kokutsu Dachi (back stance). *If you don’t know the name of the stance “google” it.
- ✔️ Fast forward (as fast as you can)
- ✔️ Blind (blind folded)
- ✔️ Unleash Tora (max intensity, incredible power)
You guys are inspiring to me👍. I loved seeing everyone’s kata they created from last week’s challenge. The winner’s 🏅 will be announced tomorrow! Sensei Gary along with its creator will be teaching a new kata LIVE on ZOOM kata class on Wednesday @ 7PM. Tune in: https://zoom.us/j/459450317?pwd=bEorMlNHaE93MGdWYW82ZEhRVEwxUT09 password: 001223 meeting id: 459450317
Kick Corona #4 is the last class for points. We will have a FACEBOOK live broadcast next Monday @ 6PM to do the drawings 🏆. Don’t miss it. I will have all parents submit a journal with your progress with total points.
Every Corona Class has been worth +10 points. Every sparring/conditioning class worth +10 points. Name Challenge +20, Bingo full card +20, create your own kata +20 and this weeks “Go kata” +20 points if you do every kata you know all 5 ways. Document all your points for me and text them to 724-640-2111.
Last but not least, the latest sparring/conditioning workout is found in “Team Kumite” facebook group. If you want to try it, join the group. 👊😅
Kick Corona #3 😷. (March 30th)
Bushido Game: “The way of the Warrior”
All you need is a deck of cards:
- Play by yourself, go through the entire deck
- WAR (bu) vs Parents or sibling
- Facetime vs Another Dojo Friend and pay WAR
Number Cards 1-10 reps
🤴 Jack = 11 reps
👸 Queen = 12 reps
👑 King = 13 reps
🃏 Joker = 1-min max (winning player choice)
Red Cardio=Style
♥ Punches Bounce ️
♦ Kicks Bounce
♣️ Blocks Lunges
♠️️ Stances Bounce squats
♥ Punches Horse Stance Reverse punch
♦ Kicks Feet together
♣️ Blocks Horse stance
♠️️ Stances Hold
All ninjas, please print out this worksheet to learn about your April lifeskill “Focus.” The kiai animal is the Eagle which we call Washi.
Weekly challenge: So far you kicked the “Name challenge” and the “Bingo Challenge” This week is the “Corona Kata Challenge!”
Your week long challenge is ready to go. This is my favorite so far! Use your creativity and skills to “make up” your very own kata. Remember, a kata is simply a pattern of moves simulating an imaginary fight.
Once completed, the kata should be DM (direct messaged) to Sensei Bill or through the Ninja facebook page no later than Sunday April 5th. The Senior Black Belts will vote. If you kata wins, you get to teach your kata to the class when the dojo reopens!
3 Categories:
- Novice: White/Yellow/Orange. 20 moves with the basics you know
- Intermediate: Blue/Green/Purple. 40 moves with the basics you know
- Advanced: Brown/Black. 50+ moves
What you need to know. This is a personal expression, so have fun. Do some research on youtube and blend some of your favorite moves. You can use any basics, but don’t copy entire sections of existing kata. This should be original.
- Name your kata
- The kata should represent that name
- The kata can be from 20-70 moves
- It must end where it started (embusen)
- It must have at least 2 kiai. You can have more
- It must follow some type of line pattern
- Advanced only: It must have application (bunkai).
Kick Corona #2 😷 (March 23)
- Ninjas
- Advanced
Kick Corona Class #1 😷: You have 1-week to complete this mission. Watch this at your convenience and post to get your points. Intro/novice/Intermediate Ninjas:
Kick Corona #1
Alphabet Challenge. Spell your name… that’s the workout. 60 seconds each letter:
Corona Kumite (conditioning)