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Christmas Kumite

Christmas Kumite 🎅❄🎄☃👊🥋🏅🏆

Congrats to the Norwin Ninjas, the sister program of Viola Karate, on another successful Christmas Kumite competition and demo! #seasonsbeatings demo

Season’s Beatings! 👊  The Christmas Kumite tournament continues the “Laurel State” Karate legacy that Shihan Viola established in the 1970s.  The “open” event  welcomes all styles and schools of karate, tang soo do, tae kwon do, kung fu etc. Whether you are from an Okinawan, Japanese, Korean and Chinese style backgrounds.  Merry Christmas.   めりーくりすます


About the author: Bill Viola Jr. is Amazon best-selling author and creator of the award-winning Sensei Says® life skills curriculum. He experienced the "Golden Era" of MMA firsthand as his father, Bill Sr., is credited as the co-creator of the sport of mixed martial arts in 1979. His book Godfathers of MMA inspired the critically acclaimed SHOWTIME film Tough Guys where he acted as a producer alongside an Academy Award accredited team. The Viola family owns and operates Allegheny Shotokan Karate in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania now celebrating their 50-year anniversary (1969-2019). He is currently the President of Kumite Classic Entertainment Corp. bill@kumiteclassic.com • Connect LinkedIn #senseisays #sokepokey #martialwayist